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Studio (in)Process at Home

Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020    9pm

We’re bringing Studio (in)Process to you! We miss getting together and making art on Thursday nights at the MSU Broad Art Lab, so let’s create from the comfort of your own home (or kitchen table, couch, garage, she-shed, porch, etc.). Studio Educator Britta Urness will lead you through live projects you can follow along with, or simply watch and learn. Tune in Thursday nights at 9pm, gather your materials, pour a beverage, and join the fun!

Thursday, October 29 at 9pm: Studio Visit: Abhishek Narula

Abhishek Narula (b. New Delhi, India) is a conceptual artist, hacker, and educator. He explores the complex relationship between technology, society, and culture through practice-based research. His interactive installations, performances, and interventions are an invitation to reflect on how we use technology and how technology uses us. An honorary board member of the Open Source Hardware Association, Abhishek is a hardware junkie, an avid DIY’er, and an open-source advocate.

This is a Facebook Live event. Tune in here